Dredging Technology
by Van der Schrieck
Understanding the world of sand and water
About Van der Schrieck
"My interest for the interaction between sand and water started as a young boy on the beaches of Holland. It was only logical for me to subscribe at the Delft University, where I studied Civil Engineering. I finished my Master Coastal Engineering in 1978.
In 1978 I started my first job at Delft Hydraulics Laboratory (Deltares) as a Research Engineer at the Department of Dredging Technology. After 3 years I joined the Dutch Dredging Contractor HAM (VanOord), where I became head of the research department. In 1995 I started teaching the Master Course “Dredging Technology CIE 5300” at Delft University Faculty of Civil Engineering, which still uses my book "Dredging Technology CIE 5300". My main interest is in Physics and Scale Modelling of Dredging Processes in Sand Clay and Rock.
During my work, I have experienced a lot of interesting dredging research projects such as:
1 Dredging of Tarsand in Canada
2 Design and construct of a multiblade clay cutterhead
3 Design and construct of the active draghead for sand and clay
4 Scale Modelling of dredging processes
5 Design and construct of an environmental friendly auger dredge
6 Gravel dredging and sieving grid design
I'm lucky to have lived near the beach of Zandvoort for the last 20 years, where new hobbies - playing jazz drums, electric LGB garden train scale 1:23, fly fishing trout and salmon all over the world - keep me quite busy. However, I always have time for questions on dredging (or one of my hobbies). Please feel free to e-mail me (glm@vanderschrieck.nl) or leave a message via the contact page on this website."
Gerard L.M. van der Schrieck (1950)

Work experience
​Dredging Technology CIE 5300 at
Delft University, Department of Civil Engineering
Curriculum Vitae
ir. G.L.M. van der Schrieck
1978 Delft Hydraulics (Deltares)
1981 Contractor HAM (VanOord)
1995-2015 Master Course: