Dredging Technology
by Van der Schrieck
Understanding the world of sand and water

This is the over 400 pages main book 1 of the series of books on Dredging Technology.
The book is based on the Lecture Notes of the Master Course CIE5300 Dredging Technology at Delft University. The book reflects the scientific results of the Dutch Joint Research Project combined with the experience of the author in the Dredging Industry.
It covers a broad range of aspects of Dredging Projects, such as the Use of Dredging Equipment, Optimizing Production, Cost Estimating and Survey Positioning, Depth control and Tolerance.
Production processes are described: Excavation of Sand, Clay and Rock, Hydraulic Lifting and Transport of Soil Water Mixtures, Erosion and Deposition of Sand. For each of these Processes practical formulas are given to be used in a design procedure and during operation.
The use of different Dredgers, such as Cutter Suction Dredger and Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge, in terms of Capacity, Workability and Tolerances is described.
An extensive glossary at the end of the book provides a quick way to find relevant information on different subjects.